129 thoughts on “2016-11-11-ceremonie-armistice-1918-2

  1. Sono stra-convinto che in certi casi il merito vada proprio al prodotto in sè e non alla sua pubblicità. Un esempio che sento spesso citare è lo yogurt Muller: molti credono che il suo successo sia dovuto alle campagne “trasgressive” che ha adottato soprattutto all’inizio (serpenti, contorsionisti etc…) ma vogliamo parlare del fatto che si trattava semplicemente di un nuovo tipo di yogurt tremendamente buono? Ecco, è bastato il trial e il resto è venuto da sè.

  2. lil b got lyrics nigga kill yo self asap this is all of lil b songs in 1I’m a bitch got gear got got cloth got pretty shyt bitch suck my dick cuz I’ma pretty bitch young based god chilling on cape cod withabout 8 broads pretty boi swag pretty boi rags young based god is a pretty boi fag lol

  3. Posted by on August 14, 2012 at 1:30 pm Hello Donna and David,What a cute couple I would just LOVE to join you guys on a hangout and get to know you better. I feel that I’ve got to know you some already and what a great idea you had here.I will pop over your facebook page and let me know what the next step will be Sylviane Nuccio recently posted..

  4. Hi,I have discovered a bug in this tool and cannot find anyone to report it to or how to get around it. I'm trying to remove a bunch of pages from my site that a hacker created, but these pages do not adhere to the strict standards of URL structure. They contain colons and periods in odd places, and the URL Remove Tool is chocking on them. Can someone please help? I started a discussion in WMT Forums, but to no avail. Thanks.

  5. Hi, Paul;Thanks so much for mentioning the book, “Self-Parenting: The Complete Guide to your Inner Conversations,” by John Pollard… regarding Gemini. The sign of the “Talky-Twins” corresponds to my 7th house South Node in my natal chart, and since I spend so much time alone, it is helping me create a healthy “inner family time” with my inner dad, inner mom, and inner kid.

  6. … 多年前,古德明涉嫌在中環域多利皇后街的三聯書店偷書,此事結果上了報紙。情況是這樣的:當年的三聯在一樓那層有側門通往鄰座樓梯,有職員稱古德明當時形跡可疑地從側門離去,便上前攔截,結果發現有兩本書藏在毛衣裏。古德明辯稱,他根本是要去付款的,他只是被人陷害,並強調三聯是「內地書店」。最後,法庭判他無罪。… 8:14 AM, September 06, 2006devin said… 想不到閣下原來如此不堪, 駁你幾句就語無倫次了, 連古德明 n 年前的什麼出丑事都要拿出來, 人家的論點都看不見了… 看來, 稱閣下為憤青也抬高閣下了, 起碼人家還有駁斥的能力… 8:25 AM, September 06, 2006倉海君 said… 《列子.天瑞》記載了東郭先生對宋國向氏的話:「若一身庸非盜乎?盜陰陽之和以成若生,載若形,況外物而非盜哉?」 即是說,你擁有的一切根本都是從天地偷來的,包括你的身體,所以人人都是盜賊。既然如此,即使古先生真偷了書,又何醜之有?你該說:三聯職員陷害古先生,那是自賤。 你聽過姑蘇慕容沒有? 9:14 AM, September 06, 2006****補充:現在我仔細一想,確實是我弄錯了。從你特殊的角度看,這些怎算得上反駁?你又何曾啞口無言呢?抱歉抱歉。****古德明太可怕了--就像你一樣--因為他的邏輯謬誤多得令人絕望。但你既然那麼喜歡logic,那麼讓我告訴你一個最重要的謬誤。之前我已在留言說:她說的「污點」當然不是指自己行為上的污點,而是指更衣情況被公開的尷尬,她只是詞不達意而已。(12:43 AM, September 06, 2006)除了笨蛋,沒人會把阿嬌口中的「污點」,真當作「人格、品德上的污點」理解;而除了無恥的文棍(或像你這種「有識之士」)外,恐怕也沒有人會在阿嬌這種情況下,乘機將她詞不達意的漏洞,牽扯上一堆無類比關係的故實,再刻意轉化為貶損受害者人格的指控,以圖為自己老闆文過飾非。不錯,古的主題確是「污點」,但古所寫的「污點」(指品德上的缺失),不是阿嬌所想表達的那種「污點」(意指事件令她大感尷尬和苦惱)--例如我說「會考0分是我人生的一個污點」,很明顯和人格扯不上關係--但古卻偷換了「污點」此詞的概念來大造文章,犯的邏輯謬誤叫「含糊其詞」(equivocation)。你大概還會問:為什麼古德明一定要依據阿嬌的用意去詮釋「污點」å‘¢?借題發揮不可以嗎?當然可以,古先生,你自便吧。

  7. – Laila : Thanks, girl !- Lydie : Merci merci merci! Si ça tombe, si je n’étais pas partie aux USA avec toi, je ne serais pas ce que je suis aujourd’hui ! 😉 😉 😉 Breeef. En ce qui concerne notre déj, je te suggère une date la semaine prochaine. N’importe laquelle ! Cette semaine je suis déjà overbookée. Et dans deux semaines, je serai plus qu’overbookée puisque le bouclage du n° d’octobre de Bien Dans Ma Vie approchera à grands pas ! Tiens moi au courant ma Lydouille !

  8. Sarò di bocca buona, o forse non sono a conoscenza di tutti i "film di draghi" (che brutta espressione) esistenti… ma a me è piaciuto molto, specialmente la trama. Mi ha fatto immaginare in pochi fotogrammi almeno due o tre finali alternativi, mostrandone un altro ancora che non avevo previsto. E comunque è "recitato" assai meglio di molte produzioni con attori in carne ed ossa…

  9. Anónimo, lo peor de todo es que el subsidio ya lo recibió… durante el gobierno de Menem, según su CV. Y da para largo discutir si en un país con enormes deudas internas hay que destinar fondos públicos a subsidiar la gira de un clown en España, tal vez sí o tal vez no.Lo que me hace ruido es esto de colgarse del dinero del fisco. Conseguir un padrino, acomodarse con un puesto, salvarse con el gobierno… ésta cosa nefasta que engancha con lo que le decía a Víctor, corporaciones parasitando el Estado hasta que no queda nada.

  10. It’s on Amerika’s tortured browThat Mickey Mouse has grown up a cowNow the workers have struck for fame‘Cause Lennon’s on sale againSee the mice in their million hordesFrom Ibiza to the Norfolk broadsRule Britannia is out of boundsTo my mother, my dog, and clownsBut the film is a saddening bore‘Cause I wrote it ten times or moreIt’s about to be writ againAs I ask you to focus onSailors fighting in the dance hallOh man! Look at those cavemen goIt’s the freakiest showTake a look at the LawmanBeating up the wrong guyOh man! Wonder if he’ll ever knowHe’s in the best selling showIs there life on Mars?

  11. I am so like you ..Superstitious .. and we have had so much bad luck this year already.. I feel I have done something the wrong dog let in the new year .. or we have a poltergeist ! I love your dress, I love the jacket even more and the rings are amazing xx

  12. > thierry … et comme arcadius cauchemardait tout seul, on ne pouvait pas savoir si vu était invariable ou accordé à lui-même… Vu (si je puis dire). Surtout ne vous sentez pas obligé de conclure qu’ « en fait, c’est très simple ».

  13. You lost me, buddy. I mean, I assume I get what youre declaring. I have an understanding of what you are saying, but you just appear to have forgotten about that you will find some other men and women in the world who see this issue for what it truly is and may well not agree with you. You may be turning away a lot of folks who may have been followers of your web site.

  14. Lalanka Child’s Navy dress with folk motif, antique style and children’s innocence is our style. They are not little for long and it’s not right to make them grow up quicker then needed. LET THEM PLAY, SMILE AND LAUGH!


  16. Colin,There is the passthrough that may be giving you your own voice. There is also a monitoring feature in GarageBand that may be turned on.Nadine,As far as I know there isn’t a way to get Skype on individual tracks – not without a more complex mixing board setup.

  17. forts: runt omkring dig. Med tjock murbruk så inte ens en liten ljus strimma kommer in. Hela tiden lagar du muren när han försöker riva den. Och det kommer han att göra. Jag rekommendrar dig att läsa lite om narcisism. Hur de styr och ställer. Ta hand om dig, han får ta hand om sig. Låter hårt, men du måste.

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  19. My only comments:1. Patrick can do real satire. I’m always snickering at my own joke two paragraphs in and blowing it.2. I’m shocked, shocked at Patrick revealing the joke just a few comments in. It’s like Andy Kaufman stopping midway into a routine and going « naw, guys, just kidding. »3. People not getting the joke is a constant joy.4. I can’t, off the top of my head, thing of a topic other than guns that generates such swift and consistent rage from both sides at the fact that people hold and express different views.

  20. terima kasih atas apresiasinya. Saya tidak memiliki info lebih jauh soal konflik di Turki. Data2 tentang Turki saya dapatkan dari Michael Brown -lihat catatan kaki. Itupun hanya sebagai ilustrasi, dan bukan sebagai tema utama. Salam. Selamat menulis skripsi. Semoga berhasil

  21. What a fantastic post, it’s really got me thinking! My bedroom, aside from a lick of paint, has been all but neglected since we moved in (my bedside tables hold absolutely nothing but a lamp on each side! Boooring) but my mind has been churning away, thinking about what I really want when we do tackle it. I love your tips and will definitely keep them in mind. Soft fluffy down and velvet are on the top of my list! xx

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  25. How fantastic to find the show on the internet. You never know when you are on the internet if you will be discovered or not. Hopefully if you are discovered it will be a good thing, not a bad thing.

  26. [..YouTube..] Cara, eu tenho um problema que eu nãoo gosto de carro antigo (salvo excessões) e nem muitos desses modernos atuais. Não gosto do fiat 147, apesar de ter feito curso de pilotagem num há uns 10 anos atrás, fechava os 170 (+) em tarumã. Mas esse fiat ficou impecável, bonito demais, essas rodas, os detalhes, a pintura, tudo muito lindo.

  27. Para los que sientan la necesidad de instruirse, lean la Heráldica de las familias Wydler y Muschietti, que encontrarán en Internet y los hechos extraordinarios de Godopfredo de Bruillón, – por todas las generaciones, cada tres generaciones- debió bautizar a alguien con el nombre de Godofredo-mi abuelo así se llamaba- para seguir conservando el ÚNICO LINAJE importante de la Tierra.Lean y luego mediten. Mortales, el destino os llama!!!!!, despertad!!!!!!

  28. married at the Dallas Museum of Art and had a beautiful DMA Wedding. Check out their super cute Dallas engagement session. They started off the wedding festivities with their rehearsal at the DMA followed by a dinner at

  29. No slappz,"Fear is spreading"Oh yeah.The goobers at Fox and other rightwing media outlets are pulling out all the stops, the "big lies" and using all the racist dogwhistles to make sure that the negro Obama is not only a one term President but that no other black will even think about running for President in another 100 years.Fact of the day.After over 2 years of his Presidency the unemployment rate under the sainted Ronald Reagan was 10.2 percent.October 1983.

  30. u gotta watch the documentary “a funny thing happened on the way to the moon” and “astronauts gone wild” by bart sibrel. it shows how ridiculous this whole moon hoax is. no way they could hve done this. it was all cold war bluff.VA:F [1.9.13_1145]please wait…VA:F [1.9.13_1145](from 0 votes)

  31. Lovely poem. I can’t help but think you are referring to nature and how for so long you did not hear nature’s sounds and calls but now yes though this is nothing until you connect with another But most likely way off here.

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  35. algo me dice, maestro Zurita, que éste texto tiene muchas vertientes y significados ocultos… o quizá todo pasó así… cualquiera de lasdos teorías es increiblemente literaria, irreal pero posible.cosas de un genio como tú.

  36. Die beiden Geschichten würde ich auch sehr gerne verfilmt sehen. Vor allem natürlich die über den Mann der etwas über den Besuch vom Papst Ratzinger gesagt hat.Muss ich jetzt Angst haben von der Polizei überfallen zu werden?

  37. I need to work on the whole “give-the-kids-a-warning” thing when I’m having an off day. Right now – I am assuming they can just read my look And you know what they say about assuming…

  38. Beautifully articulated, Bella. Count me as another deeply interested in the art of wardrobe and daily costuming, but averse to the "in" and consumerism as an end in itself. You are so wise in moving away from what bores you and towards what ignites, and I look forward to seeing what transpires! On our short online acquaintance, I find you to be a fiercely intelligent and interesting thinker, woman of great style, and gatherer of lovely community and connection. Write on, sister!

  39. Euh bin j’veux bien x) Mais adresse? Et pour répondre à Etjaark, moi j’suis en extase complète à chaque écoute. Quant à sa “composition” j’y retrouve des ambiances passée à la Zan, Macabre (pour ne citer que celles-ci) Sans être un retour aux source. Heureusement que j’aurai le cd le premier jour de sa sortie au japon :p

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  43. Yes and it has already started—can anyone remember that little airplane company that used to be headquartered here? What was its name…B-something, I think…..Of course the libs boing, boing, boinged it right out of the Northwest!

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  46. greenrivervalleyman:Here's the best I've ever seen (though I don't claim to've seen 'em all):On 100 paper slips, write numbers of any size–in the entire range from negative infinity to infinity. They can vary: whole numbers, fractions, decimal fractions–all OK.Put 'em all in a hat or box.My job is to remove one at a time until I come upon one I believe to be the largest (or the smallest) number of the lot. If I, unknowingly, pass the number, I lose. If I misidentify one as the largest, I lose.What odds might I need in order for this to be an even-steven proposition?

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