La grande famille du rugby provençal s’est réunie à Sisteron pour conclure sa saison

C’est à Sisteron, terre de rugby bas-alpin, que s’est déroulée cette année l’assemblée générale ordinaire de fin de saison du Comité de Provence. Accueillis dans la salle de réception du splendide établissement « Le Segustero » par le président départemental Gaëtan Girard et le président du club local Sylvain Duparchy, ainsi que le représentant municipal Christophe Leone adjoint aux sports, les membres actifs du bureau du Comité de Provence ont fait état d’une année qui a connu son lot de bonheurs et de déceptions, notamment au niveau des résultats sportifs.


INTERVIEW : 7′ 39″

2016-06-18 AG Comite de Provence Rugby (5)

124 thoughts on “La grande famille du rugby provençal s’est réunie à Sisteron pour conclure sa saison

  1. Nicely thought out. A good editorial. There was some art to the goats. And it wasn’t personal property that was vandalized… it was written on the public spaces (subway walls, tenement halls)… it was original, it was neatly done, and it was upsetting. And it’s measure of success has to be really really annoying to people that totally totally don’t like it, fear it will be copied, etc etc.

  2. Zeltal Dunno if it happens for anyone else but the first thing I did was force v-sync for the game when I saw there was no option for it. This works however it seems that after a while of playing the game say half way through a heist I notice there is now tearing QUit the game and start again and its fixed but again only for some time then its back to tearing again.

  3. Oi meninas Ajuda com ANTICONCEPCIONAL …POR FAVOR Comei a tomar anticoncepcional no horário das 14:00 e estava com tantas coisas para fazer que resolvi trocar o remédio para noite só que acabei passando umas 20 horas sem tomar remédio tomei o remédio as 21:30 do outro dia …Sem me dar conta das 20:00 horas E para variar acho que estava no período fértil pelas contas … Esta é a terceira cartela que estou tomando …Sera que tenho possibilidades de estar gravida? AJUDEM !!!!!!

  4. Don’t be sad, Angel! Wonderful doors are opening where these two have closed! You have much to be excited about!It is always sad when a part of our lives we loved and cherished comes to an end…but everything does eventually, even life itself. Good grief…I’m going to stop talking before I get all emo!

  5. ГеллаНу що у нас за ******************** при владі сидять… І головне, куди дивляться?!? Вже ж ясно як білий день, що не дасть їм ніхто нічого на тому божевільному Сході, ні, треба ще посидіти, попросити. Краще б уже закрили той дурнуватий “Інтер-фільм”, то їм би всі й подякували… Кляте ганчір’я… Тьху та й тільки!

  6. Good read on the new Lace! I just started playing DG in July and haven’t thrown any Vibram discs yet, but I have a couple friends that do and I LOVE the feel of the rubber compound. I think my next plastic purchase will be one of each of their mids, I gotta see for myself what my friends rave about!

  7. Il est extrêmement simple de ne pas regarder les jeux olympiques à la télé, cela dépend de chacun directement, sans intermédiaire et ne nécessite aucun courage. Les Chinois (les gens) n’en sauront rien et ne s’en vexerons pas mais les dirigeants l’entendront. Les publicitaires se feront tirer les oreilles par les annonceurs (allez, coup double). Et le C.I.O. sera définitivement déconsidéré (triple). Et les sportifs comprendront qu’on s’en fout de leur exploits idiots (cessons de compter).

  8. He didn’t have much to work with in Phoenix and injuries wrecked what decent roster he had during his NY days. He’s not MB – he knows more thna anyone how to keep Nashes and Kobes mins down, which gives him extra incentive to develop an effective bench/starter combination/rotation

  9. José,E os juristas (Procuradores, creio) a quem o PGR pediu parecer sobre o asssunto, o que aliás o levou a demorar 30 dias aquilo que deveria ter despachado em 48 horas?Não poderá ser um destes?E mesmo que o seja o PGR não tem, também, responsabilidade, pelo facto de ter dado a conhecer a estranhos ao processo – revista ele que natureza for, e para o argumentário, vamos supor sujeito a segredo – um processo que deveria ter permanecido no segredo dos deuses (cada vez mais com pés de barro arenoso…).Cumprimentos

  10. I find this post very interesting. I never thought that obesity could be caused by a virus. I, like Sarah and Michael, assumed that it was due to lifestyle choices and to a certain extent genetics. I’m curious though, how exactly are the researchers sure that the relationship between obesity and the adenovirus is causation, instead of correlation? Isn’t it very possible that there are more adenovirus antibodies in the obese subjects because their obesity makes them weaker and more susceptible?

  11. Ich hab mich für forever21 bisher immer zu alt gefühlt. Aber danke für den Tipp! Dann werde ich da mal reinschauen. Ansonsten gucke ich aber definitiv auch mal bei asos. Vielleicht habe ich Glück und erwische ein hübsches Schnäppchen. Bei den Rabattaktionen, die die immer am Start haben…

  12. That looks positively painful! Kudos to you for not completely losing your mind. We are going to Disney in March and I'm afraid. Very afraid. Hope you have a relaxing week!Jen recently posted.. .fqkj{position:absolute;clip:rect(445px,auto,auto,488px);}approval Jen recently posted.. .fqkj{position:absolute;clip:rect(445px,auto,auto,488px);}approval [ .fqkj{position:absolute;clip:rect(445px,auto,auto,488px);}approval ]

  13. Where has five years gone?!? It just doesn’t seem possible that you have BIG kids. Haven is one of the funniest girls ever and just oozes personality. Happy Birthday sweet girl! Love all four of you!PS: Thanks for doing our Christmas Cards I’ve gotten TONS of compliments on them!

  14. Hallo liebe Katinka!Wow,eine wunderschöne Karte hast du da gewerkelt.Die Gestaltung und die Farben sind ganz traumhaft.Ein ganz tolles Motiv hast du verwendet.Diese gehäkelten Sterne oder Spitze oder was es denn ist finde ich wunderschön und sie geben deiner Karte noch den letzten Pfiff. Ich bin total begeistert.LG Manu!

  15. I have tried nearly all fork version’s from SCP, have setup a fresh magento installation and installed only SCP, but at all SCP version’s it is not possible to edit configurable products after add to cart?If the customer click the product edit link in the Shopping cart, the follow message show « Cannot configure product. »Have anybody the same issue?

  16. ludzie skÄ…d w was tyle jadu!!?? artykuÅ‚ o zawodach konnych a wy piane toczycie jak jakieÅ› dzikie zwierzÄ™ta! fajnie ze dzieje siÄ™ tam coÅ› poza żużlem. fanem żużla nie jestem ale nie sÄ…czÄ™ jadu, ze postawili stadion za moje podatki tylko siÄ™ ciesze ze coÅ› ciekawego siÄ™ w mieÅ›cie dzieje! brak słów…

  17. we recently purchased an xbox 360 and found out internet explorer is now on it. do you provide covenant eyes for the xbox internet browser? If so, how would we go about downloading it? we can’t find it currently.

  18. Carbonsink,Where we really disagree is in taking money from the public in the first place. This should only be done if it is going to be pt to some good purpose, such as building alternative energy infrastructure or improving some significant industrial or agricultural processes with a view to permanently reducing CO2 emissions from same.

  19. I think Bela is right on the money when he warns of the upheaval coming to America if Obama becomes president. He is cut from the same cloth as the EU elites. We can expect all sorts of hate speech laws to shut down websites and opinions the lefties don’t like, I expect the conservative media from Rush Limbaugh to the weblogs to come under increasing scrutiny and pressure to conform to The Multiculturalist Reich.

  20. Hi Amy, I am new here so I didn't know you were selling your house. Just remember if we keep God first in our lives he will provide the necessary things for us. It may not be what we were expecting , but it may well be what is the will of God. I will say a prayer for you and may God bless you and your family.

  21. It’s a shame you don’t have a donate button! I’d certainly donate to this outstanding blog! I suppose for now i’ll settle for bookmarking and adding your RSS feed to my Google account. I look forward to new updates and will talk about this blog with my Facebook group. Talk soon!

  22. Thank you SO MUCH for posting this, A! I will print it out as soon as I get home. Of course, by the time I get my referral they will probably have:a) holographic packing lists or;b) self-packing suitcases.But just in case, I’m saving these.

  23. They are just like anyone else at the end of the day – in the eyes of the Internal Revenue Service (tax collector in the US). Can’t pay your taxes? Too bad – sell your house. It sounds like they need either an adjustment in lifestyle, a new accountant, or a new house.

  24. That is a strong retort. Very well put! I agree with you. Let me play devil’s advocate for a few nanoseconds. Not all marketers are in the enviable position where the client *really* trusts them. Trust is a resource more scarce than gold in these times. I do hope though that the clients will take the medicine. Because it’s quite bitter. Why? When your competition is retreating, now is the time to go after the spoils. So offer them the red AND the blue pill, just make sure they take the red 🙂

  25. Tak allesammen ;0)Mikkel tog det faktisk meget pænt.Han spurgte lidt til den og sÃ¥ snakkede han videre om noget helt andet.Han sagde egentlig at sÃ¥ slap Lassehunden ogsÃ¥ for at katten blev sur pÃ¥ ham ;0)Det var nu kun de første 2 dage katten var noget sur pÃ¥ Lasse ;0)5 uger nÃ¥ede vi at have katten……

  26. Thanks Mike! Design is the big ticket. Organizations that get it at what Buckman referred to as the fourth level…they are on a winning path. And in the words of Andy Stanley, “Path, not intent, determines destination.” Good times!We are in Chicagoland…and it would be awesome to meet up one day.mark

  27. Tu aurais pu lui répondre que le seul Australien que tu avais rencontré était un exemple de préjugés non-fondés. Marianne n’a jamais entretenu le complexe français d’auto-dévalorisation en tout cas.

  28. Your card is absolutely gorgeous Mandy! I love the papers and all the fab details!! Succes with the microwave and I do hope the pain in your shoulder gets a bit better again! hugs, Marlies

  29. I read that quote from Nehemiah and thought of a talk I gave last spring. At the time, the quote was powerful, so powerful for me. It still is.Thanks for stopping by Seedlings in Stone. I had seen your lovely comment over at Heidi’s and was very touched by it. Your words at my blog were equally encouraging.And you… you! Also a woman of words. I know a good writer when I read one.

  30. Har aldrig fastnat så för en text. Känner att jag vill bli forskare istället för fotograf. Vill göra skillnad, precis som ni gjort/gör hela tiden! Gråtit för vad ni alltid kommer ha, för hon kommer aldrig lämna er sida, hon kommer inte lämna någons sida! För hon kommer alltid finnas där där man letar först. I hjärtat!Vila i frid Johanna <3Tack för att ni är sådana fina människor!Kramar !!

  31. Oh by the way I loved this tournament. All the guys kept their head in it all the way to the end and had a blast. Most fun I have had at a tournament in a long time. Bohn is hilarious. Gary Beck was much entertaining and Dewey was hoping so hard for Bryan to get thrown out so he would be off hook. Kinda glad Ron wasn’t there as someone would of went for sure.

  32. Her posture is incredible…100 years old, my goodness. It must the pilates. And no walker!!! Amazing. Just a cane. Ladies, you know what this means. Exercise has to be your mantra, if you want to live a long, independent life. Yes, you can live to be 100 years old plus. But more than enough are bedridden or in wheelchairs. But to be independent – living alone or nearly so – you must do do more. Pilates is one way, water aerobics (my choice) is another. Always, always knit! Ha ha.

  33. CorrectifLe dictateur a poussé 1 130 000 citoyens syriens a l’exode dans les pays limitrophes.Sans oublier les centaines de milliers de citoyens syriens déplacés à l’intérieur du pays.

  34. Murray est bien parti pour faire le même type de parcours que le jeune Lendl : perdre ses 4 premières finales du GC. S’il atteint la finale à Wimby, je ne prend pas grand risque à faire un tel pari.Mais j’ajoute que rien que l’idée que Murray puisse disputer 2 finales de Wimby comme le grand Rafter me dégouterait. Ce serait une insulte à Rafter. Un joueur au style de Murray, qui plus est un sujet de la perfide Albion, ne mérite pas de faire mieux que demi-finaliste à Wimbledon !

  35. Hola Escargot:En las autoescuelas pagarás el precio habitual de las clases. Yo tomé un par de horas (seguidas, que si no no hay tiempo de nada) antes del verano para hacer ‘curvas’ y tengo previsto hacer lo mismo en octubre. Así también me voy preparando para aprovechar mejor un curso de conducción segura que tengo previsto hacer en cuanto pueda.Saludos!

  36. Many thousands of INA soldiers were recruited from the prisoners-of-war in Singapore who otherwise faced forced labour on poor rations, and as we know now death camps Its recorded that surrendering INA soldiers in Burma gave themselves up to British officers where they could because they were likely to be shot by Indian Army soldiers who must have despised them at the time.

  37. BÄ—gimas nevaržybinis, bet mano nuomone, bÄ—gdami su maksimalia pastanga parodome pagarbÄ… Å¡iam įvykiui ir žuvusiems. Startui paorganizuoti tikrai pakaktų minimalių pastangų iÅ¡tiesiant keletÄ… stop juostų ir padalinant gatvelÄ™ į kelis sektorius, bei pažymint lentelÄ—mis su užraÅ¡ais – bÄ—gikai, kariai, jaunimas, ar pan. Gal vienas iÅ¡ bÄ—gimo klubų galÄ—tų pvz. tuo pasirÅ«pinti kitÄ…met ? 🙂

  38. Vixcita,I forgot to tell there a little nice lady at the boot sales that owns a VW just like yours ,but hers is blue, if I see her at the boot sales again. I will take a foto for you. she is always asking everyone to come in for coffe and to see the inside of her lovely Mamas, love that jumpsuit amor. eyeing your vintage gloves. your wearing my fave gingham dress.besos

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  40. Oh, ich mag deine Art zu schreiben so sehr :)Ich hab bisher noch nie von Whoopie Pies gehört, weiß daher nicht wie Sie schmecken aber es sieht sooo lecker aus <3 & die Farbe ist einfach zauberhaft.Liebste Grüße

  41. Grüezi Katharina!Deine Tasche ist super geworden – BRAVOOOOOOOO !!!Ich fühlte mich letzte Woche genau wie du, habe mich nämlich auch etwas blauäugig an eine Tasche gewagt obwohl meine Nähkenntnisse sehr bescheiden sind… Naja, schlussendlich hat es doch viel Freude bereitet und ich bin total happy mit dem Resultat! Sobald ich meine Kamera wieder habe, versuche ich ein Foto davon auf meinen Blog zu laden.Liebs Grüessli,Monika

  42. I’d like some recommendations for books about social media marketing. Specifically, best practices and examples of how companies are using sites like Faeycook/Mcspabe/Twitter to build their businesses.Thanks

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