150 thoughts on “3655-05-ste-barbe-8

  1. This winter ain't been that bad, comparatively speaking — not for Cleveland, anyway. I haven't even got a can of gas for the two-stroke Gore's Bane. However, I do feel for the folks in areas who aren't set up for toxic global warming fallout, and I will allow that this drip-drip-drip two or three inches a day instead of one-big-storm-and-a-week-to-rest-up-for-the-next-one does cause a certain amount of AGNTSA. 🙂 The Malibu is not bad in snow, but my old Cavalier with the stick was better.

  2. I actually prefer Peter’s term “Brammo’s number one nutswinger” to “zealot.” You’re right, though. I need to lighten up. I was caught up in the Empulse love and stopped short at your comment. Sorry about my indignant response. Okay… a discussion.I was at the first TTXGP race at Infineon and only one of the bikes there had a transmission…even that one required no rider interaction as it was a CVT. As an Enertia rider (and former owner of a Honda CB550), I don’t miss the shifting. But then again, as Peter noted, I’m biased. Peace.

  3. Hi, great write-up. NASA and some other government agencies have done great in space flight, but read about what Space Exploration (SpaceX) just did! Why have enormous government organizations running rocket missions when privatizing will succeed for a fraction of the price?! Anyhow… slick site – I’m subscribed to your RSS feed now so I’ll be checking in regularly!

  4. Once again, if it were Christ’s intention to save all men, how deplorably has he been disappointed~CH SpurgeonEph 1:4-5 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: (5) Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

  5. Zachary Rodgers over at ClickZ has written a good overview of the recent addition of behavioral targeting by Google AdWords.This new feature is using previous searches to fine tune what ads are presented to the searcher.Behavioral targeting has had mixed opinions. Avinash Kaushik, who blogs on analytics at Occam's Razor, sums up the method as: "Right thing to the Right person at the Right time.."

  6. Det gäller att hitta det sätt som passar den hund man har och en själv, härligt om Sly lyckas och gör rätt oftare från början. Kan tänka mig att det blir bra och hon blir stärkt. Härligt att du håller igång trots vintern, den här helgen har vi helt ägnat oss åt annat än hundträning men ibland behövs det också Kram!

  7. Lovely place to go for pizza. I always prefer this to Pizza Hut – its a lot smarter inside and has a great vibe in the evening. They also look after the kids very well with crayons and stuff to keep them entertained.

  8. dimenticare che parliamo di un'americana, popolo che notoriamente non brilla per l'acumenon è proprio così, è che ci sono molti meno imbroglioni per kmq… anche perché se ti prendono in USA a fare le truffette rischi che ti sparano…indi gli americani quando vengono p. e. in Italia sono i primi ad essere fregati… questione di civiltà, a mio parere

  9. When I saw yournpostmtitle "Bare Naked Ladies" I looked straight away at your dress print thinking you were wearing a saucy print. Instead you're showing your saucy arms and you're right fashion should be whatever the hell you want it to be for you.I love the dolls by the way.

  10. You three ladies look lovely and you outfit is just stunning.I love Wetherspoons I went there on Saturday its such good value.Have a nice day tomorrow x

  11. eee, there’s no defense for killing that horse. it’s an action that’s classic villiany. it’s like something from a movie, it’s so lousy.it reminds me of a scene from a movie, but I can’t remember which one.

  12. Es wird immer Leute geben, die Scheiße erzählen, in jeder "Bewegung". Und Leute, die schlichtweg keine Ahnung von dem haben, was sie erzählen, aber so tun als ob. Aber deswegen stelle ich sicherlich nicht die ganze Sache in Frage. Mir reicht es, zu wissen, dass Tiere ausgenutzt und getötet werden, und ich will da nicht mitmachen. Alle andere Argumente sind für mich sekundär

  13. igen, ezt így nyersen esszük, ez egy kvázi salátatekercs. A tavaszi tekercs az, amit olajban sütünk (autentikus elkészítési módja a post végén belinkelve), ezt pedig nyári tekercsnek hívják. (summer roll). A tavaszi tekercs akkor esik szét az olajban, ha nincs kellőképp szorosan feltekerve.

  14. ..so when i saw those pants i was like « OMGZ I HAVE A TOP I MADE LIKE THAT » and was all pumped to be like, « yeah.. bleach + water, then rinse.. bingoo, » in a smooth voice and such. but apparently you’ve already been informed. pity. also, for the record, i quite like your blog. x

  15. Dear kogitrononmy, Your instructions are excellant but I am stuck when I get to changing the tools folder to add the string ;c:android-sdk-windowstools. I have a different program in that section. What do I do from here please. thankyou kindly, JohnB

  16. I watched Somaly Mam on Tyra talk show. I fully support what you are doing. I just cannot imagine how children as young as 5 year old are used for sex. Its disgusting and I always believe what goes around will come around and they will be punished in time to come. May god bless you and I wish I can help in some way..perhaps one day i will meet you in cambodia. Take care…with love from New Zealand.

  17. One quote from each person would have been plenty. Sadly I lost the figures as soon as I started to read. Intent? Ideas about vulnerability, shared dreams, differences? The door metaphor in relation to life’s transitions perhaps? Love that golden timber door.

  18. Martin, on imaginait mal également un Président qui se dit « noir » à la maison Blanche.Au contraire, imaginons, imaginons…Si Romney, par hasard-et-pasrasé est élu, il risque fort de prêter serment sur le livre des mormons. Et celui-là, il vaut aussi son pesant de cacahuètes…

  19. ……I precisely wanted to thank you so much once more. I’m not certain the things that I might have accomplished in the absence of the actual hints documented by you regarding such field. It was before an absolute terrifying problem in my view, neverthele…


  21. I tried looking at your blog on my ipod touch and the design doesnt seem to be right. Might want to check it out on WAP as well as it seems most mobile phone layouts are not really working with your web site.

  22. une note sur le sexe et des statistiques en erection!!!je veux aussi connaitre cette celebrite blogollresque!!faut aussi que j’essaie une note sexuée…à moins que chez moi, ça ne soit le talent qui manque !!

  23. The funny thing about Goble’s blog is that it (probably unintentionally) refutes the idea (common among pundits of his ilk) that freedom of speech is persecuted in today’s Russia, since the doom-mongering articles he highlights are published openly in the Russian press.

  24. sou psicopedagoga e achei super interessante a comparação dele entre educação e a introdução da cultura de softwares livres. A proposta dele para que a educação possa contribuir para a desmistificação da tecnologia é uma forma de inclusão digital. Gostei!

  25. It gets to me because we only hear biased versions from sources that have an interest in making Jews the innocent victims. We have to pay attention to the adulterated version of history we have been fed by jew media and education polluted with their domination agenda. The Egyptians had a problem with them, the Arabs, the Germans, any non-jew doest like them because of their surreptitious manners to dominate through money…I dont like them really. They need to be more civilized and respectful

  26. Yes, what a lovely walk that you take! I felt like I was right there with you, your pictures are great. Also, thanks for the recipe. I have to bring an appetizer to a pot luck tomorrow night. Now I know exactly what I’ll be taking. )

  27. I WILL be seeking out that volume! Looks fantastic. And Faber have a book coming out later this year all about the history of their book covers too–I assume to follow the success of Penguin’s various books on same.Huysmans I thought of as a good decadent as the man had a tortoise with gold and jewels glued to its shells. Another wildly inappropriate choice would be ‘The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists’.

  28. Malenstwo! Z okresleniem Staruszka trafilas w dyche!Nietoperku! Pozwalam tak myslec bo…sama tak mysle! Nie ma myziania bez zrozumienia siebie nawzajem! Gdyby tak niebylo, to nie stalabym sie uzalezniona nalogowo od TUtejszego miejsca!Jakos jestem dziwnie spokojna, ze nawet jak napisze glupoty, to zostane naprowadzona na wlasciwe myslenie, ale nie bede obrazana roznymi inwektywami.Dziwne…skad ja to wiem?!Prosze ode mnie tez pomyziac dzielne Malenstwo!Mam nadzieje, ze jej pokolenie bedzie zylo juz w normalniejszym swiecie.

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  30. Juampi, vengo pensando esto y más hace tiempo y lo plasmaste con casi las mismas palabras que estaban en mi cabeza.Sin dudas uno de los logros más notables del SABF es seleccionar gente idónea para discutir y crear lazos fuertes. Así que gracias a los que ayudan a que esto sea posible, y a los que estamos orgullosos de hacer nuestro aporte, también!

  31. Ahoi! die italienische Version hätte ja den Vorteil dass Versand, Rückgabe und Zoll (keiner…) einfacher zu handhaben wären.Der Preis ist mit ab 380,- Euro inzwischen ja auch im normalen Bereich angekommen. Mir ist jedoch bisher noch kein Webshop unter den Browser gekommen, der auch nach .de versendet. Ideen wie/wo man das noch probieren könnte?

  32. I try to get in the bad with the good. I don’t find a blog interesting unless they can admit they have losing sessions. Bad runs are part of it. I have gotten knocked around on FT lately as well and suddenly have a fifth of what I used to have. Somehow I don’t think a trip to the Indian Casino is the answer, but it could be. Hope it turns around for you. You surely have the skills to win. Hope to see you in Vegas in June as well.

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  34. I wonder why fewer Republicans voted this year than in 2008? Did the polls convince them that Romney would win? We need to find out why, and make sure those voters do vote the next time. And maybe we should think about an amendment for term limits – 6 years for President. Then he (or any President) doesn’t spend that last 2 years running for re-election. Also term limits for Congress. It was never meant to be a full-time, life-long job.

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  37. Susanna, I have to laugh because I’m not sure ANYONE can be called an expert in a genre that’s so new, but THANK YOU anyway! Writing the terms in this way helped ME get them straight in my head too. :-)Julie Hedlund´s last blog post ..Like? 0

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  39. It amazes me how often I find myself getting caught up in something, and it gets turned around in an instant – I was definitely on the “neediness is bad” bandwagon until a few minutes ago. In just an instant, I gained a new (forgotten?) perspective.

  40. x payah tau2 September 2008dorang nih x dew adab kew???bukan ke mak bapak dh aja kesian mak bapak dorang….harap jew keturunan diraja wat mala kaum diraja jew…itu yg bergambo yg x bergambo x nampak pew ar yg dowang wat…subahanallah….sape yg sokong die memang paham2 jew ar…aku bkn nk pew tp x lok…aku pown cam 2 tp x dew ar ltk gambo aku dlm internet…

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  43. Sep07 Ryan:This is startlingly beautiful. Truthful. Raw. Honest. And God-honoring. Thank you for sharing it here. May the Lord continue to sustain you and in his time, give you peace and hope AND release from this particular affliction.Praying,Dave and JenVA:F [1.9.20_1166](from 1 vote)

  44. Det där med att vÃ¥r inställning färgar vad vi tränar är klockrent. FrÃ¥n "Inte dra" till "inte dra sÃ¥ mycket " är inte skillnaden stor heller.Scott Drever har dessutom tagit det till "Dra inte omkull nÃ¥gon" 😉

  45. Kathy, I’m lucky in that I used to live in his town and still have friends and family there. My in-laws have met him and told him about this blog, so his son e-mails me whenever a new mailbox goes up!LA – I’ve wondered about that myself, but I think the mailman is used to it by now AV – Send some of those picture in for us!

  46. 21aCaraca. Esse post é excelente e diz tudo. Parabéns. Você soube dizer exatamente o que acontece nessa nossa linda “e às vezes amarga “Blogsfera.Confesso que já fui meio bitolado com essas coisas de Parcerias, me dá uns trocados que falo de seu produto e tals. Mas ainda bem que percebi logo as coisas e depois de 4 anos blogando, já colho bons frutos e frutos que realmente valem a pena.Mais uma vez, parabéns pelo post.abraços

  47. skriver:Allt det där är ju mycket sant och så, men jag skulle vilja tillägga: det jävliga börjar långt innan. Jag var tre år när godistjejen (hennes farmor hade kiosk) frågade mig: vill du ha godisjag: jaaa!hon: men det får du inte, haha.

  48. OOOOH ! C’est exactement ce que je me suis dit !Je pencherais pour la solution 3, y a un petit côté « Doctor Who ».Quoique, le vrai Doctor, lui, méprise les armes… Le retour du Master, peut-être….?

  49. I will try, I mean it was really expensive.. but I’m really not sure about the colour, my hubby didnt like it – his words « way too bright » I wanna love it but I think it’s too strong for me.. 🙁

  50. Jeg skjønner hva du mener, men hva gjør du om du ikke kan betale en så store regning som kommer- på en gang. Si at regingen kommer på 4000 kroner og du er vant til å betale 2500.- da kan det blit tøft å betale hele på en måned eller en lønning.Prisene på strøm går jo ned når det blir mildere og det våres. Om det noen gang gjør det;)Del opp regning er mitt råd, og selvsagt slå av lyset i rom det ikke er noen- Men det vet vel alle?Vargas

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